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My neovim setup

Having used neovim for a few month, with symlinks for the configuration and the plugins, I want to start a new setup.

Firstly, I don't use any more pathogen for the management of plugins, but vim-plug instead. To install vim-plug see the documentation.


  1. neovim
  2. git
  3. nodejs et npm


  1. clone the repository
  2. create a symlink
  3. start neovim
  4. install the plugins
  5. check the requirements
git clone <URL>
ln -s neovim .config/neovim

Requirements for the plugins used

For vim-colors-solarized, a symlink is needed:

cd $HOME/neovim/colors #or the dir. where you've clone this repository
ln -s ../plugged/vim-colors-solarized/colors/solarized.vim solarized.vim

For vim-livedown, the node livedown package needs to be installed globally:

npm install -g livedown

For InstantRst, the python package instant-rst is needed. See the documentation.