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baseURL = "https://igor.milhit.ch/"
DefaultContentLanguage = "fr"
title = "iGor milhit"
theme = "portfoliGor"
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identifier = 'blog'
name = 'Blog'
title = 'La section blog'
url = '/blog/'
weight = 0
identifier = 'à-propos'
name = 'À propos'
title = 'À propos de ce site web'
url = '/à-propos/'
weight = -20
identifier = 'contacts'
name = 'Contacts'
title = 'Me contacter'
url = '/#online'
weight = 10
identifier = 'credits'
name = "Crédits"
url = "/à-propos/#crédits"
weight = -100
identifier = 'sources'
name = "Sources"
title = "Sources du site"
url = "https://git.milhit.ch/igor/igor.milhit"
weight = 20
identifier = 'licence'
name = "cc-by"
title = "Licence Creative Commons By 4.0"
url = "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"
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Description = "Site web personnel d'iGor milhit."
Image = "mySite.jpg"
ImageDescription = "Portrait de mouton aux couleurs sepia."
name = "iGor milhit"
email = "igor@milhit.ch"
# Git repository of the website
url = "https://git.milhit.ch/igor/igor.milhit"
# Which kind of git forge is it? GitHub, a Gitlab instance, a Gitea intance?
type = "gitea" # github, gitlab, gitea
# Professional contact data
address = "Rue Michel-Servet 1, 1211 Genève 4"
phone = "+41 22 379 59 30"
email = "igor.milhit@unige.ch"
# publickey = ""
# fingerprint = ""
# Personal contact data
address = "Ch. des Clochettes 16, 1206 Genève"
mobile = "+41 76 552 80 59"
email = "igor@milhit.ch"
publickey = "igor-milhit-pub.asc"
fingerprint = "843D 0CB6 A576 D7BE 4BF6 A63B 692D 97C3 D022 8A99"
xmpp = "igor@milhit.ch"
cv = "cv-igor-milhit.pdf"
# Web accounts
git = "https://git.milhit.ch/igor"