iGor milhit e7de77b3ad
head: improve the metadata exposed
* Improves the metadata exposed, such as site or post description, site
  or post image. Make use of <https://matuzo.at/blog/html-boilerplate>.
* Removes extra empty lines or identation due to badly written layout.
  However, minifying at build could be a good idea.
* Improves very slightly the webmanifest file.

Co-Authored-by: iGor milhit <igor@milhit.ch>
2021-06-05 22:02:08 +02:00
images head: improve the metadata exposed 2021-06-05 22:02:08 +02:00
android-chrome-192x192.png head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
android-chrome-256x256.png head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
apple-touch-icon.png head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
browserconfig.xml head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
favicon-16x16.png head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
favicon-32x32.png head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
favicon.ico head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
mstile-150x150.png head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
safari-pinned-tab.svg head: add a favicon 2020-07-17 18:48:52 +02:00
site.webmanifest head: improve the metadata exposed 2021-06-05 22:02:08 +02:00