# [portfoliGor][1] Yet another HUGO portfolio theme, that I'm writing to my own purpose on , published with the regular [MIT license][6]. It displays on the front page a personal and professional description, and ways to contact the person. It has a blog section too. The HTML `` has a metadata section to expose metadata that are useful for reference manager as Zotero (in Dublin Core) or to social media (see [below][5]). As the release version can tell, this theme is still in development and misses lot of things [see the opened [issues][2]]. You can install it as the [HUGO documentation][4] recommends. ![Screenshot][7] ## Configuration ### Personal and professional description The front page displays, if it exists, the content of the main index markdown file that could be placed at the root of the content directory [[HUGO's documentation][3]]. There's also three sections that can be displayed: - The online presence. - The personal contacts. - The professional contacts. It depends on the data provided by the site configuration, in the `params` section. Below a comprehensive example: ```toml [params] # Professional contact data [params.contactsPro] address = "" phone = "[as-used-by-a-phone]" mobile = "[as-used-by-a-phone]" email = "" cv = "[file-added-in-static-directory]" publickey = "[file-added-in-static-directory]" fingerprint = "" # Personal contact data [params.contactsPriv] address = "" phone = "[as-used-by-a-phone]" mobile = "[as-used-by-a-phone]" email = "" publickey = "[file-added-in-static-directory]" fingerprint = "" xmpp = "[handle]" # Web accounts [params.online] github = "[username]" framagit = "[username]" mastodon = "[URL]" twitter = "[username]" keybase = "[username]" wikipedia = "[french-site-username]" openstreetmap = "[username]" discogs = "[username]" ``` ### Layout configuration - Add `layout: verse` to the front header of a specific content to improve format for text in verse. Verse should be separated by a line break, strophes are paragraphs. - Add `layout: static` to the front header of a static page, thus preventing to display the post metadata such as the publication date. ### Date management You should set `enableGitInfo` to `True`, as it is used by the post metadata display for the last modification date, and in the footer to provide a link to the last commit modifying the content (still hard coded though, #14). The publication date uses the `date` field of the front matter, that should be automatically set by the `hugo new` command. If the content is published later, you can add the `publishdate` field manually, and it will override the `date` data. All further modification dates should be provided by the `git` metadata. But you can also set manually the `lastmod` date in the front matter. To make it work, in the site configuration file, you should configure the date management as below: ```toml [frontmatter] date = ["date", "publishDate"] lastmod = [":git", "lastmod"] ``` ### Social media metadata An image for the website can be defined in the site configuration. Place an image optimized for the web, in the 1200 × 600 pixels resolution, in the `static/images/` directory. Then provide in the site configuration it's file name and image description (max 80 chars, with a trailing dot): ```toml [params] Description = "[Small website description]" Image = "mySite.jpg" ImageDescription = "[Alternate text]" ``` For each content (blog post), a social media image can be defined in the front matter. The image have to be placed in the same directory (`static/images/`), same resolution. The frontmatter is as follow: ```toml description: "[post-description]" postimage: "[file-name.extension]" postimagedescription: "[Alternate text]" ``` ## Changelog The Changelog is described in [`CHANGELOG.md`][8]. It's generated by [`auto-changelog`][9]. The configuration is in [`.auto-changelog`][10]. To generate it, use the following command: ```bash yarn auto-changelog ``` [1]: https://git.milhit.ch/igor/portfoligor [2]: https://git.milhit.ch/igor/portfoligor/issues [3]: https://gohugo.io/templates/homepage/#add-content-and-front-matter-to-the-homepage [4]: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/#step-3-add-a-theme [5]: #social-media-metadata [6]: https://git.milhit.ch/igor/portfoligor/src/branch/dev/LICENSE [7]: screenshots/theme-example.png "Screenshot of my own site using this theme" [8]: ./CHANGELOG.md [9]: https://github.com/CookPete/auto-changelog [10]: ./.auto-changelog