--- title: My neovim setup date: 2024-05-16T12:16:06+0200 id: 20240516121606 tags: [neovim, editor, configuration, README] --- # [Neovim setup][1] This new configuration is written with the help of: - [`kickstart.nvim`][4]. - *[Tutoriel : configurer Neovim comme IDE/éditeur de code à partir de zéro][5]*. ## Requirements - Neovim > 0.10. - [Ripgrep][2]. - A [nerd font][3]. ## Structure - `init.lua` is the configuration file, with the required includes. - `lua/` is the folder where specific configuration and plugins are. - `lua/core` contains the basic configuration: - `options.lua` with the global neovim options. - `keymaps.lua` with the global neovim key mappings. - `lua/config` contains the Lazy plugin manager installation and configuration. - `lua/plugins` of course contains all other plugins installation and configuration. ## Plugins - `lazy.nvim` as plugins manager. - Adwaita for the colorscheme. - `nvim-tree` as file explorer. - `telescope.nvim` for the fuzzy finder interface. - `treesitter` for language grammar support. - `which-key.nvim` to find out shortkeys. [1]: ./README.md [2]: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/ [3]: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/ [4]: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim [5]: https://vincent.jousse.org/blog/fr/tech/configurer-neovim-comme-ide-a-partir-de-zero-tutoriel-guide