# My `neovim` setup Having used `neovim` for a few month, with symlinks for the configuration and the plugins, I want to start a new setup. Firstly, I don't use any more `pathogen` for the management of plugins, but `vim-plug` instead. To install and activate `vim-plug` see the [documentation][1]. I'm using the [nord color scheme][5]. ## To do - [ ] Document how to use `pyenv` to provide a python engine. - [ ] Identify the python package dependencies. ## Requirements 1. `neovim` 1. `git` 1. `nodejs`, `yarn` 1. [ripgrep][2] 1. [The Silver Searcher (`ag`)][3] 1. `grammalecte`, the python standalone program. ## Installation 1. Clone the repository. 1. Create a symlink. 1. Check [the requirements][4]. 1. Start `neovim`. 1. Install the plugins (`:PlugInstall`). ``` bash git clone ln -s neovim .config/neovim nvim :PlugInstall ``` [1]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/blob/master/README.md#neovim [2]: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep [3]: https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher [4]: /requirements [5]: https://www.nordtheme.com/ports/vim