-- Install and configure lualine -- https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim return { "nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim", dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }, config = function() local lualine = require("lualine") -- Display the lazy update count local lazy_status = require("lazy.status") -- configuration de lualine lualine.setup({ options = { icons_enabled = true, theme = "auto", component_separators = "|", section_separators = "", disabled_filetypes = { statusline = {}, winbar = {}, }, ignore_focus = {}, always_divide_middle = true, globalstatus = false, refresh = { statusline = 1000, tabline = 1000, winbar = 1000, }, }, sections = { lualine_a = { "mode" }, lualine_b = { "branch", "diff", "diagnostics" }, lualine_c = { { "filename", path = 1 } }, lualine_x = { { lazy_status.updates, cond = lazy_status.has_updates, -- color = { fg = "#ff9e64" }, }, { "encoding" }, { "fileformat" }, { "filetype" }, }, lualine_y = { "progress" }, lualine_z = { "location" }, }, inactive_sections = { lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_c = { "filename" }, lualine_x = { "location" }, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {}, }, tabline = {}, winbar = {}, inactive_winbar = {}, extensions = {}, }) end, }