-- Zen mode with twilight. -- Improves the edition experience with distraction free feature. return { "folke/zen-mode.nvim", ft = { "markdown", "pandoc" }, -- Twilight allows to dim text outside of the cursor line. dependencies = { "folke/twilight.nvim", opts = { -- Set the context to null in order to avoid highlighting to much -- paragraphs in markdown. context = 0, }, }, opts = { window = { backdrop = 1, -- Set the window width (85 columns) and height (80%). width = 85, height = .8, options = { -- Disable line numbering, signcolumn and colorcolumn. number = false, signcolumn = "no", colorcolumn = "0" }, }, plugins = { options = { enabled = true, ruler = false, showcmd = false, foldcolumn = "0" }, gitsigns = { enabled = false }, }, }, }