# My `neovim` setup I'm trying to document my neovim setup. Mostly, I'm using neovim to edit markdown, HTML, CSS/SCSS and python files. I'm using `vim-plug` as a plugin manager. To install and activate `vim-plug` see the [documentation][1]. I'm using the [nord color scheme][5]. ## To do - [x] Document how to use `pyenv` to provide a python engine. - [ ] Identify the python package dependencies. - `jedi`. - `jedi-language-server`. - `flake8`. - `neovim`. - `pycodestyle`. - `pyflakes`. - `pynvim`. ## Requirements 1. `neovim` 1. `git` 1. `nodejs`, `yarn` 1. [vim-plug][1] 1. [ripgrep][2] 1. [The Silver Searcher (`ag`)][3] 1. `grammalecte`, the python standalone program. 1. All or any of these python linters: `pep8`, `flake8`, `pycodestyle`, `pyflakes`. 1. `scss_lint` (ruby), for SCSS lint. 1. A [font patched for nerds][8]. ## Installation 1. Clone the repository. 1. Create a symlink. 1. Check [the requirements][4]. - [Install `vim-plug`][7]. 1. Start `neovim`. 1. Install the plugins (`:PlugInstall`). ``` bash git clone ln -s neovim .config/neovim nvim :PlugInstall ``` ## External configuration In order to improve the `fzf` preview window display, it's possible to configure it through the following `env` variable: ```bash export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--preview='bat --style=numbers --color=always --line-range :500 {}' \ --border \ --color 'border:#4c566a,info:#4c566a,pointer:#88c0d0,prompt:#5e81ac,bg+:#3b4252,hl:#a3be8c'" ``` See the `fzf` documentation: ## Provide an virtual environment for python engine Benefit: having a separate virtual environment for your editor than the one your working into. Install `pyenv` with the [`pyenv-installer`][9]. Install the python version you need with `pyenv`: ```bash pyenv install 3.9.9 ``` Create and name the virtual environment for neovim: ```bash pyenv virtualenv 3.9.9 neovim ``` Activate the virtual environment and fetch the python path: ```bash pyenv activate neovim pyenv which python #Note the provided path ``` Add the following line to your `init.vim`: ```init.vim let g:python3_host_prog = '/full/path/to/neovim/bin/python ``` Install the python dependencies in the virtual environment as it is activated: ```bash pip install neovim pynvim … ``` To deactivate the virtual environment: ```bash pyenv deactivate ``` [1]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug [2]: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep [3]: https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher [4]: /requirements [5]: https://www.nordtheme.com/ports/vim [7]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug#installation [8]: https://www.github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts [9]: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer