plugins: add keymap for the command history picker

- Adds a keymap (<leader>ch) for the command history picker of
- Removes the kickstart big comment on top of the init.lua file.
- Removes the config file that I don't remember the utility.

Co-Authored-by: iGor milhit <>
iGor milhit 2023-10-06 15:22:32 +02:00
parent 57f28c0b7c
commit a7b535bbc8
Signed by: igor
GPG Key ID: 692D97C3D0228A99
2 changed files with 6 additions and 194 deletions

View File

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
let SessionLoad = 1
let s:so_save = &g:so | let s:siso_save = &g:siso | setg so=0 siso=0 | setl so=-1 siso=-1
let v:this_session=expand("<sfile>:p")
silent only
silent tabonly
cd ~/neovim
if expand('%') == '' && !&modified && line('$') <= 1 && getline(1) == ''
let s:wipebuf = bufnr('%')
let s:shortmess_save = &shortmess
if &shortmess =~ 'A'
set shortmess=aoOA
set shortmess=aoO
badd +1
badd +150 init.lua
badd +0 term://~/neovim//59689:/usr/bin/zsh
badd +0 lua/custom/plugins/markdownpreview.lua
edit lua/custom/plugins/markdownpreview.lua
let s:save_splitbelow = &splitbelow
let s:save_splitright = &splitright
set splitbelow splitright
wincmd _ | wincmd |
1wincmd h
wincmd w
wincmd _ | wincmd |
1wincmd k
wincmd _ | wincmd |
1wincmd h
wincmd w
wincmd w
let &splitbelow = s:save_splitbelow
let &splitright = s:save_splitright
wincmd t
let s:save_winminheight = &winminheight
let s:save_winminwidth = &winminwidth
set winminheight=0
set winheight=1
set winminwidth=0
set winwidth=1
exe 'vert 1resize ' . ((&columns * 40 + 106) / 213)
exe '2resize ' . ((&lines * 34 + 24) / 48)
exe 'vert 2resize ' . ((&columns * 86 + 106) / 213)
exe '3resize ' . ((&lines * 34 + 24) / 48)
exe 'vert 3resize ' . ((&columns * 85 + 106) / 213)
exe '4resize ' . ((&lines * 11 + 24) / 48)
exe 'vert 4resize ' . ((&columns * 172 + 106) / 213)
file neo-tree\ filesystem\ \[1]
balt init.lua
setlocal fdm=manual
setlocal fde=0
setlocal fmr={{{,}}}
setlocal fdi=#
setlocal fdl=0
setlocal fml=1
setlocal fdn=20
setlocal fen
wincmd w
balt init.lua
setlocal fdm=manual
setlocal fde=0
setlocal fmr={{{,}}}
setlocal fdi=#
setlocal fdl=0
setlocal fml=1
setlocal fdn=20
setlocal fen
silent! normal! zE
let &fdl = &fdl
let s:l = 1 - ((0 * winheight(0) + 17) / 34)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
keepjumps exe s:l
normal! zt
keepjumps 1
normal! 0
wincmd w
if bufexists(fnamemodify("init.lua", ":p")) | buffer init.lua | else | edit init.lua | endif
if &buftype ==# 'terminal'
silent file init.lua
balt lua/custom/plugins/markdownpreview.lua
setlocal fdm=manual
setlocal fde=0
setlocal fmr={{{,}}}
setlocal fdi=#
setlocal fdl=0
setlocal fml=1
setlocal fdn=20
setlocal fen
silent! normal! zE
let &fdl = &fdl
let s:l = 150 - ((22 * winheight(0) + 17) / 34)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
keepjumps exe s:l
normal! zt
keepjumps 150
normal! 031|
wincmd w
if bufexists(fnamemodify("term://~/neovim//59689:/usr/bin/zsh", ":p")) | buffer term://~/neovim//59689:/usr/bin/zsh | else | edit term://~/neovim//59689:/usr/bin/zsh | endif
if &buftype ==# 'terminal'
silent file term://~/neovim//59689:/usr/bin/zsh
balt init.lua
setlocal fdm=manual
setlocal fde=0
setlocal fmr={{{,}}}
setlocal fdi=#
setlocal fdl=0
setlocal fml=1
setlocal fdn=20
setlocal fen
let s:l = 5 - ((2 * winheight(0) + 5) / 11)
if s:l < 1 | let s:l = 1 | endif
keepjumps exe s:l
normal! zt
keepjumps 5
normal! 03|
wincmd w
3wincmd w
exe 'vert 1resize ' . ((&columns * 40 + 106) / 213)
exe '2resize ' . ((&lines * 34 + 24) / 48)
exe 'vert 2resize ' . ((&columns * 86 + 106) / 213)
exe '3resize ' . ((&lines * 34 + 24) / 48)
exe 'vert 3resize ' . ((&columns * 85 + 106) / 213)
exe '4resize ' . ((&lines * 11 + 24) / 48)
exe 'vert 4resize ' . ((&columns * 172 + 106) / 213)
tabnext 1
if exists('s:wipebuf') && len(win_findbuf(s:wipebuf)) == 0 && getbufvar(s:wipebuf, '&buftype') isnot# 'terminal'
silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf
unlet! s:wipebuf
set winheight=1 winwidth=20
let &shortmess = s:shortmess_save
let &winminheight = s:save_winminheight
let &winminwidth = s:save_winminwidth
let s:sx = expand("<sfile>:p:r")."x.vim"
if filereadable(s:sx)
exe "source " . fnameescape(s:sx)
let &g:so = s:so_save | let &g:siso = s:siso_save
doautoall SessionLoadPost
unlet SessionLoad
" vim: set ft=vim :

View File

@ -1,41 +1,3 @@
==================== READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING ====================
Kickstart.nvim is *not* a distribution.
Kickstart.nvim is a template for your own configuration.
The goal is that you can read every line of code, top-to-bottom, understand
what your configuration is doing, and modify it to suit your needs.
Once you've done that, you should start exploring, configuring and tinkering to
explore Neovim!
If you don't know anything about Lua, I recommend taking some time to read through
a guide. One possible example:
And then you can explore or search through `:help lua-guide`
Kickstart Guide:
I have left several `:help X` comments throughout the init.lua
You should run that command and read that help section for more information.
In addition, I have some `NOTE:` items throughout the file.
These are for you, the reader to help understand what is happening. Feel free to delete
them once you know what you're doing, but they should serve as a guide for when you
are first encountering a few different constructs in your nvim config.
I hope you enjoy your Neovim journey,
- TJ
P.S. You can delete this when you're done too. It's your config now :)
-- Set <space> as the leader key
-- See `:help mapleader`
-- NOTE: Must happen before plugins are required (otherwise wrong leader will be used)
@ -330,6 +292,11 @@ require('telescope').setup {
pickers = {
command_history = {
theme = "dropdown",
-- Enable telescope fzf native, if installed
@ -357,6 +324,7 @@ vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sw', require('telescope.builtin').grep_string, { de
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sg', require('telescope.builtin').live_grep, { desc = '[S]earch by [G]rep' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sd', require('telescope.builtin').diagnostics, { desc = '[S]earch [D]iagnostics' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>sb', require('telescope.builtin').buffers, { desc = '[S]earch [B]uffers' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ch', require('telescope.builtin').command_history, { desc = '[C]command [H]istory' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ss', require'telescope'.extensions.luasnip.luasnip , { desc = '[S]earch [S]nippets' })
-- [[ Configure Treesitter ]]