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title: My neovim setup
date: 2024-05-16T12:16:06+0200
id: 20240516121606
tags: [neovim, editor, configuration, README]
2017-07-13 10:06:09 +02:00
# [Neovim setup][1]
2017-07-13 10:06:09 +02:00
This new configuration is written with the help of:
- [`kickstart.nvim`][4]. This is a good project to kickstart a configuration,
but then it takes time to understand what it makes, how to use it, and how to
modify it.
- *[Tutoriel : configurer Neovim comme IDE/éditeur de code à partir de
zéro][5]*. This blog post, in French, helped me a lot to understand better my
configuration and to rewrite it.
## Requirements
- Neovim > 0.10.
- [Ripgrep][2].
- A [nerd font][3].
- [`vscode-langservers-extracted`][6]. It's mandatory for the JSON LSP.
## Python provider
I'm using a virtual environment for the python provider, as the
[documentation][7], using `pyenv`.
## Structure
- `init.lua` is the configuration file, with the required includes.
- `lua/` is the folder where specific configuration and plugins are.
- `lua/core` contains the basic configuration:
- `options.lua` with the global neovim options.
- `keymaps.lua` with the global neovim key mappings.
- `lua/config` contains the Lazy plugin manager installation and configuration.
- `lua/plugins` of course contains all other plugins installation and
## Plugins
I won't provide links for each of these plugins as they are easily to be found.
- `lazy.nvim` as plugins manager.
- `plenary` to get lua functions used by many plugins.
- Adwaita for the colorscheme.
- `which-key.nvim` to find out shortkeys.
- `nvim-tree` as file explorer.
- `telescope.nvim` for the fuzzy finder interface. It has some specific
- `telescope-fzf-native.nvim` to get a C implementation of fzf, with improved
- `telescope-luasnip.nvim` to search for snippets. LuaSnip is a dependency
for `nvim-cmp` which provides completion.
- `telescope-ag` to use Ag or Ripgrep to filter results.
- `nvim-web-devicons` as a dependency to add icons to the interface, when it is
used (file explorer, fuzzy finder).
- `treesitter` for language grammar support (with `treesitter-textobjects` as
dependency, to improve bloc selection and navigation. It is deactivated for
- Markdown:
- `vim-pandoc` and `vim-pandoc-syntax` to support the pandoc markdown, nice
concealing, easy folding and hard wrap automatic formatting.
- `mkdnflow.nvim` to improve links navigation, table formatting, file
creation, and so on. It improves also the link concealing.
- `markdown-preview.nvim` to provide a live HTML preview.
- Completion with `nvim-cmp` with the following dependencies:
- `cmp-buffer` to get text completion from the current buffer text.
- `cmp-path` to get path completion.
- `cmp-cmdline` to get vim cmdline completion.
- `LuaSnip` to get snippet expansion, with the nvim-cmp source for it:
- `friendly-snippets` which adds some user-friendly snippets.
- `cmp-emoji` for emoji completion after ':'.
- `lspkind.nvim` to add text symbols to spot the type of source completion.
- Language servers:
- `lsp-zero.nvim` to ease LSP configuration.
- `nvim-lspconfig` to configure LSP support and completion, with
- `cmp-nvim-lsp` to get LSP results in completion.
- `nvim-lsp-file-operations` to add some code actions.
- `fidget.nvim` for LSP progress message and neovim notifications.
- `mason.nvim` with `mason-lspconfig.nvim` to install automatically the
needed LSP. And also with `mason-tool-installer` to extend it's package
manager capabilities.
- `schemastore.nvim` which provides the schemas needed by JSON and YAML
- `trouble.nvim` to display all *trouble* messages (LSP, diagnostics, etc.) in
a pretty list.
- `lazdev.nvim` to improve `lua_ls` configuration.
- `vim-fugitive`.
- `gitsigns.nvim` to see changes in the sign column.
- `vim-speeddating` to increment dates, times, etc.
- `vim-surround` to improve surroundings management.
- `autopairs.nvim`.
- `Comment.nvim` to comment lines and blocs.
- `ident-blankline.nvim` to improve readability of indentation.
- `zen-mode.nvim` for a good zen mode.
- `toggleterm.nvim` to quickly get a terminal. Might find a better one.
- `rainbow-csv.nvim` to manage CSV files.
- `venv-selector.nvim` to ease python virtual env.
- `vim-grammalecte` to get a good grammar checker for French.
2017-07-13 10:06:09 +02:00
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